Zhuo Chen, Ph.D. in Economics,
Associate Professor,
School of Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Shandong University
E-mail: chenzhuo@sdu.edu.cn
Dr. Zhuo Chen has got the master degree and Ph. D. from the global top 100 universities in Korea. i.e. Seoul National Universtiy and Sungkyunkwan University. Years of practical experience in teaching and doing business and extensive research into strategy management have positioned her as an expert and scholar in Chinese business strategy. Dr. Chen has quite a few publications on the global top SCI/SSCI journals in the related fields and has participated in conducting in funding projects from various levels of the government, organizations and companies. In addition to the academic performance, Dr. Chen has been serving as a chief consultant in multiple companies on diverse technology manament and transformation projects. In the classroom, the abundant experiences in business participation and knowledge significantly helps to cultivate the students’ abilities to understand the overall process and the corresponding regulations, practice the skills and know-how to become professional in this field.
2012- 2015: Ph.D. in Economics, Commerce Strategy and International Logistics Major, Sungkyunkwan University – Seoul, South Korea.
2007-2011: M.A. International Commerce, Seoul National University – Seoul, South Korea.
2003-2007: B.A., double majors, English Translation and Interpretation, International Commerce, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea.
Professional Appointments
Research fellowship, Ocean University of China, School of Economics, Qingdao, China. Novermber 2016 – September 2019.
Guest Professor, Chung-Ang Univetsity, Graduate School of Economics, Seoul, Korea, September 2018- present.
Adjunct Professor, SungKyungKwan University, Department of Business Administration, Seoul, South Korea. March 2015- present.
Assistant Professor, Suwon University, Department of Global Business, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. July 2012-February 2017.
Visting Professor (Execuive MBA program), Sungkyunkwan University, Graduate Schoool of Business Administration, Seoul, South Korea. March 2016- December 2017.
Full-time Lecturer, Suwon University, Department of Global Business, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, March 2009-2012.
Instructor, International Commerce Service Program for small Business, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. March 2011-March 2012.
1. Jiang, D.K., Chen, Z, Dai, G.L. 2019. “The Game mechanism of stakeholders in comprehensive marine environmental governance”, Marine Policy, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103728. (SSCI Journal)
2. Chen, Z. & Yin, H.B. 2019. “Performance evaluation of risk management strategies for Chinese small & media shipping companies: Focusing on the mediating effect”, Maritime Economics and Logistics, (SSCI Journal, under review)
3. Zhou,G. Mu, Y.T., Chen, Z., Wang, S. 2019. “Alert to abalone over-farming in China: based on a cobweb model under restriction of carrying capacity”, Journal of Shellfish Research, 38(2), 449-453. DOI: 10.2983/035.038.0200.(SCI Journal)
4. Chen, Z. & Pak, M.S. 2017. “A Delphi analysis on green performance evaluation indices for ports in China”, Maritime Policy & Management, 44(5). 537-550, DOI:10.1080/3088839.2017.1327726. (SSCI Journal)
5. Jiang, D.K. & Chen, Z. 2017. “An Empirical Study on Bearing Capacity Evaluation of Marine Industrial Park in China”, Marine Policy, 77(1), 111-119. (SSCI Journal)
6. Shi, W.M., Xiao, Y., Chen, Z., Kevin, X. L. 2018. “ Evolution of green shipping research: themes and the methods”, Maritime Policy & Management, 45(6), 352-366. (SSCI Journal)
7. Chen, Z. & Jiang, D.K. 2018.“Human resources in the mixed ownership reform of Chinese ports: the mediating effects of organizational commitment”, Maritime Policy & Management, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2018.1552803. (SSCI Journal)
8. Yin, H.B., Chen, Z. Xiao, Y. 2018. “Risk perception affecting shipping company performance: Differences in path coefficients between China and Korea”, Maritime Policy & Management, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2018.1540890. (SSCI Journal)
9. Muhannad, M., Dai, G.L., Chen, Z., Yin, H.B., Muhammad, N. 2018. “Maximum sustainable yield estimates of carangoides fishery resource in pakistan and its bioeconomic implications”, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 51(1), 279-287, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/2019. (SCI Journal)
10. Chen, Z. & Pak, M.S.(2015), “A Study on the Corporate Social Responsibility Model of China’s State-owned commercial Banks- focused on the Case of ICBC”, Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 38(4), 83-109. (in Korean) (KCI Journal)
11. Chen, Z., & Yeon, H. B.(2015), “An Empirical Study on the Impact of China’s Shadow Banking on the Commercial Banks’ Stability – focus on Profitability and Liquidity- ”, Journal of Industry and Trade Studies (KCI Journal), 20(4), 131-153. (in Korean)
12. Chen, Z.& Pak, M.S.(2015), “An exploratory Study on recent China’s VAT Reform: Focusing on Transportation and Logistics Industry”, Frontier Industry & Management Case Studies, 23-39. (in English)
13. Chen, Z., & Yeon, H. B.(2014), “An Empirical Study on the influencing Factors of China’s Commercial Bank’s Liquidity Risk”. Journal of Korean Management Consulting Review (KCI Journal), 14(3) , 1-9. (in Korean)
14. Chen, Z. & Pak, M.S. (2014), “A Study of China’s VAT Reform within the Banking Industry: focusing on the Approprateness of VAT Rate”, Journal of Institution and Economics, 8(3), 181-203. (in Korean)
1. Chen, Z., et al (2019). Commerce Strategies and Trade in East Asia. Dongyang Book Publish House. ISBN 979-11-5768-467-0.
2. Chen, Z., & Yeon, H. (2014). Business Chinese Culture and Language (High-intermedia). Dongyang Book Publish House. ISBN 979-11-5703-030-9.
3. Chen, Z., & Yeon, H. (2014). Business Chinese Culture and Language (Primary). Dongyang Book Publish House. ISBN 979-11-5703-009-5.
4. Lee, C. W., & Chen, Z. (August, 2013). Introduction to Global Business. Doonam Publish House.
Professional Activities
Commitee member (January 2013 - present) – Association of Global Trade and Management, Seoul, South Korea.
Commitee member and Reviewer (January 2015- present) - Korean Association of Maritime Business.
序号 |
项目名称及编号 |
项目类型 及来源 |
起止时间 |
经费 (万元) |
1 |
黄海大生态系承载力与中日韩区域经济协调发展创新机制研究”(2017M12346) |
中国博士后 基金 |
2017-2019.9 |
5 |
2 |
“海洋环境资源经济应用技术创新方法研究”新世纪优秀人才项目(NCET-07-0777) |
教育部 |
2017.1-今 |
20 |
3 |
大海洋生态体系建设与次区域国际生态 发展合作创新试验区 2009JJD790047 |
教育部 重点基地 |
2011-今 |
10 |
4 |
青岛市双百调研工程项目 青岛市应对“一带一路”的风险管理 |
青岛市发改委 |
2018.10 -2019.9 |
1 |
5 |
传统钢铁产业的创新思路研究 (临沂莒南) |
青岛市扶贫 专项研究 |
2019.10-今 |
20 |