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Li Qing

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Li Qing

Li Qing studied at Renmin University of China from 1981 to 1988, receiving bachelor's degree in economics in 1985 and master's degree in economics in 1988. He studied public policy at the University of Chicago in 2005 and became the fellow of the 2014 Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship Program of Nanyang Technological University.

From July 1988 to 1993, he was engaged in price enforcement at the former National Price Bureau. He worked in the General Office and the Inspection Office for writing, law enforcement, statistics, and editing.

From 1993 to 2018, he worked at the Department of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly, Department of Laws and Regulation and Department of Supervision and Guidance of National Development and Reform Commission for price supervision, national Institution price supervision and anti-monopoly work. In 2009, he served as deputy director in charge of anti-monopoly and market price supervision, including investigating on corporate monopoly and on administrative agencies' abuse of administrative power to eliminate and restrict on competition, assisting the Ministry of Commerce in conducting centralized investigation of operators, competition policy research and international cooperation and market price supervision as the leading department of the National Development and Reform Commission.

From April 2018 to January 2019, he worked at the State Administration of Market Supervision and was responsible for anti-unfair competition and fair competition review. He retired in March 2019.

Since April 2019, he has worked at China Society of Economic Reform and initiated the Industrial Policy and Competition Policy Professional Committee to conduct research in related fields.

In recent years, the main work he has done in the field of competition includes competition policy research and international cooperation, investigation of corporate monopoly cases, administrative agency monopoly cases and unfair competition cases, promoting the establishment of a fair competition review system. He was the principal draftsman of the fair competition review system. In addition, he has presided over or participated in the drafting of the supporting laws and regulations of the Price Law, the Anti-Monopoly Law, and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law.

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